what is labour hire?

Almost any position in an organisation can be filled by labour hire – from positions that require highly skilled and specialised personnel to those that require no skills.

This has proven invaluable for a lot of organisations, enabling them to maintain a lean permanent workforce while still having adequate workers during peak seasons.

For a large number of companies, the benefits of using labour hire can be great. The biggest advantage being the reduction of the overall payroll costs. Other benefits to the organisation include time saving, improved productivity, flexibility and provision of specialised skills.

Labour hire can not only help your business grow by increasing productivity but can also assist your permanent employees find happiness and fulfilment in their work.

our objectives.

  • To provide our employees with flexible and enjoyable career opportunities that can result in permanent work.
  • Improve client productivity and efficiency through the provision of specialised labour solutions.
  • Promote and participate in the continual improvement of a safe working environment for the benefit of our employees and clients.

Finding the right people to hire and recruit for your business can often be a difficult and drawn out process for employers to face.

We use our extensive knowledge and experience to find the right person who compliments your organisation and becomes an effective, long term asset to your business.

recruitment & selection

Our in-depth selection process covers the following

  • Applications obtained through our website, print, digital and social media advertising.
  • Written interview summary.
  • All qualifications and licences verified and recorded.
  • Documented reference check.
  • Outsourced full medical conducted by a medical professional.
  • All international employees are verified through the Department of Immigrations website - VEVO.
  • Successful candidates are taken through our internal induction.
  • All on-hire staff are given copies of all Select Labour Solutions policies and procedures.
  • Any updated policies and procedures are circulated and signed off on by on-hire staff.
  • All processes are completed referencing our quality management and safety systems.
  • Results are documented in the successful employees file.
  • Upon transfer to direct employment, all documentation is made available upon request with employee approval.


We are committed to up-skilling employees, resulting in long term retention of employees and a larger pool of qualified people and cost savings in retraining.

after hours and on-site management

We pride ourselves on providing the most thorough management both after hours and through regular on-site visits ensuring your organisation doesn't suffer should there be any injuries, incidents or absenteeism involving employees provided by us.

We maintain an on call list enabling us to act accordingly, in most cases providing a zero turnaround timeframe for replacement staff.